
We search for the very best materials for Bear Meadow Appalachian Dulcimers.

The fact is that materials are a small part of the cost of the instrument, so it would be unwise to skimp here. And starting with the good stuff is an influence in the right direction. Our basic materials are:

  • Wood. Redwood, Sitka Spruce, and Black Walnut
  • For a more in-depth treatment of the subject of choosing and preparing wood, check out this little article on Quartersawing.
  • Glue. Hide glue, liquid fish glue, aliphatic resins, cyanoacrylic (Krazy) glue, various grades of epoxy – even upholstery cement, we use a large spectrum of adhesives, using on their various virtues.
  • Finishes. Target Coatings Hybrid Varnish, Shellac, Wax
  • Bone. Just plain ol' bone. We saw our own
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