Making Hossus

Bear Meadow Dulcimers-Click to see full size

Here are some discussions of specific methods I use in the construction of Bear Meadow hossus. Drop in from time to time and there will be new topics, or expanded treatment of present topics. I hope you find them entertaining and instructive.

There will be nine turk's heads required, one for each bristle group of the hossu. The central group will be 1/2" in diameter, and the other eight will alternate between 3/8" and 5/16" diameter. We use a very finely made nylon beading cord. It is a two ply cord and gives a very nice visual appearance that enhances the patterns in the turk's head. This is available from Griffin, and the product is #8 Polyamid. In our hossus we have chosen the colors Garnet, Red, Medium Green, Dark Blue, and Amber.


Dwain Wilder


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